A multiplexer or in short mux is a combinational logic circuit used to pass only one of the multiple inputs(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7) at a time with the help of select lines(s0,s1,s2) to generate the output(y).
A 8x1(Four cross one) mux has Eight inputs and 1 output. The output of a mux will always be one. The general formulae for all types of multiplexers is, For 2n inputs, the number of selects line will be n.
For 8x1 mux when s=000, the input line i0 will be transferred to the output y; when s=001, the input line i1 will be transferred to the output y; when s=010, the input line i2 will be transferred to the output y; when s=011, the input line i3 will be transferred to the output y and so on.
As shown in the RTL, to form 8X1 mux, Seven 2X1 mux are required. 2X1 Mux's in the first column will have s[0] as the select line, 2X1 Mux's in the Second column will have s[1] as the select line, 2X1 Mux's in the Third and last column will have s[3] as the select line.
Verilog code:
For 8X1 MUX(Top module)
module mux8_1(i,s,y);
input [7:0]i;
input [2:0]s;
output y;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6;
mux2_1 m1(.i0(i[0]),.i1(i[1]),.s(s[0]),.y(w1));
mux2_1 m2(.i0(i[2]),.i1(i[3]),.s(s[0]),.y(w2));
mux2_1 m3(.i0(i[4]),.i1(i[5]),.s(s[0]),.y(w3));
mux2_1 m4(.i0(i[6]),.i1(i[7]),.s(s[0]),.y(w4));
mux2_1 m5(.i0(w1),.i1(w2),.s(s[1]),.y(w5));
mux2_1 m6(.i0(w3),.i1(w4),.s(s[1]),.y(w6));
mux2_1 m7(.i0(w5),.i1(w6),.s(s[2]),.y(y));
Test Bench:
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module tb;
reg [7:0]i;
reg [2:0]s;
wire y;
mux8_1 DUT(i,s,y);
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
#15 i=$random;s=$random;
Cheers to you all..
If you have any doubts , please let me know